
Area (Urban Information Engineering) Remote Sensing Integrated Analysis

市井 和仁 教授*

Ichii Kazuhito


*When sending e-mail, please replace (a) by @.

Lab homepage

Research subjects
Monitoring and modeling of global environmental change and climate change

Personal history

Ph.D. (Science) Graduate School of Science Nagoya University
Researcher NASA Ames Research Center
Associate Professor Faculty of Symbiotic Systems Science Fukushima University
Senior Researcher Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC)
Professor Center for Environmental Remote Sensing Chiba University

Research activities

Our research focuses on monitoring and modeling of terrestrial biosphere changes using satellite observation and numerical models at from country to global scales. In particular terrestrial CO2 budget is one of the main focuses. We analyze a large amount of various observational data (big data) and numerical models (computer models) by machine learning numerical simulations and statistical analysis. Global environmental changes such as climate change and biosphere changes are becoming more important issues internationally. Our research will contribute to understand past to present changes and predict future.


Environmental Remote Sensing

Academic society memberships:

The Meteorological Society of Japan
The Remote Sensing Society of Japan
American Geophysical Union
National University Corporation Chiba University
1-33, Yayoicho, Inage Ward, Chiba-shi, Chiba, 263-8522 Japan
TEL: +81-(0)43-251-1111